
Philip Pearlstein

 "Models with Mirror"

"Model with Two Cement Flamingos"

"Two Models in a Window with Cast Iron Toys"

 "Iron Bed and Plastic Chair"

"The final result in paint, of course, is controlled by the physicality of my effort to re-create the look of the forms in their space that is in front of me. And I never change the result to make the drawing academically correct. I trust my eyes. For me the process is an intensely interior experience of feeling rather than of analysis."     -Philip Pearlstein, catalogue excerpt, 2010

Represented by the Betty Cuningham Gallery.

Mitchell Hooks

Mitchell Hooks (b. 1923) was an illustrator, mostly known for his paperback covers and magazine illustrations.  Check out this great flickr gallery of his work here.

Paul Robertson

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Paul Robertson is a pixel artist who is doing some pretty cool stuff.  Above is a music video he did for Architecture in Helsinki and the trailer for the Scott Pilgrim video game, which he worked on.  Check out his livejournal here or his tumblr here.


Milo Manara

Great work from monumental comics artist Milo Manara. (b. 1945) Mostly known for his erotic approach to the medium.  Check out this great tumblr dedicated to his work here.


Some pretty sweet stuff from "Boneface."  Check the website here.


Samuel Bell

Cool illustrations from London based artist, Samuel Bell.  Check his website here.

Amy Martino

Amy Martino works primarily as a designer and art director, but a collection of her illustrations can be seen on her website here.

Emily Robertson

Cool stuff from London based artist, Emily Robertson.  Check out the site here.


Akira Toriyama

Akira Toriyama, acclaimed manga artist, is mainly known for his creation of the manga Dragon Ball.  Check out a tumblr dedicated to his work here, or scans of his art book here.